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What Is Considered Long-Term Disability In Ontario?


Many workers have short-term (STD) and long-term (LTD) disability insurance coverage that is designed to protect them if they become ill or injured and are unable to work as a result. What is Considered a Long-Term Disability In Ontario? Knowing what is considered a long-term disability is important in the success of your claim. As…

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Slips And Falls At Work: What You Need To Know


According to the Ontario Ministry of Labour, slips, trips, and falls are actually the leading causes of injuries that result in missed time at work in Ontario. According to the most recent data, 11,495 lost-time injury (LTI) claims were the result of falls—nine of them were traumatic injuries. Common hazards in the workplace include slippery…

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Where Do Most Motor Vehicle Accidents Occur?


According to the most recent Ontario Road Safety Annual Report, there was a total of 35,972 fatal and personal injury collisions in 2016, 439 of which were fatal. Car accidents are on the rise in various parts of Canada as well. In British Columbia, distracted driving, in particular, continues to take more lives than impaired…

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