When buying automobile insurance, one of the coverages people require is liability insurance. If you are sued because you caused a motor vehicle accident, the liability insurance provides a lawyer to defend you and money to pay the claim of the injured person. Most people have liability insurance limits of one million dollars. While one…
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You may be surprised to know that the Ontario government allows automobile insurance companies to reduce the amount of damages paid to accident victims, through the application of a “deductible.” This deductible reduces the compensation for pain and suffering for victims who have suffered serious and permanent impairments in motor vehicle accidents. The amount of…
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For no-fault automobile accident benefits, there is a limit of $3,500 for medical and rehabilitative treatment if you have what is considered a minor injury. It is assumed that the treatment expenses for minor injuries should not exceed $3,500. The problem is that insurance companies frequently take the position that someone has a minor injury,…
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