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What Does An Accident Benefits Adjuster Do?


If you have been in a car accident involving injury or personal damage, you will need to file a claim with your insurance company. An accident benefits adjuster, also simply known as your claims adjuster, is part of this claims process. Take a look below. What Does An Accident Benefits Adjuster Do? After you have…

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5 Common Injuries Caused By A Slip And Fall


Slip and fall injuries are the most common accidental injuries that personal injury lawyers litigate (apart from automobile injuries). The majority of slip and fall cases are due to the negligence of a particular business. Many people do not realize that slips and falls can cause such serious injuries – injuries that can significantly impact…

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Why Were My Long Term Disability Benefits Denied?


Long term disabilities can significantly impact your life, not only physically, emotionally and socially, but also financially. If you have a long term disability or illness, it can be devastating to learn that your long term disability claim has been denied or that benefits will be discontinued. In Ottawa and across Ontario, long term disability…

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Do You Need a Lawyer for Your Ontario Slip and Fall Case?


Recovering from a slip and fall injury can be difficult. You’ll likely need time to recover – and to ensure that all of your needs, both at home and in the workplace, are met in the event that you’re unable to conduct your normal activities. It’s important in these cases to consult with a personal…

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Completing Your Ontario Accident Benefits Forms: Useful Tips


In cases where you have suffered an injury in an automobile accident, you’ll have to apply for accident benefits through your insurance company. You need to be careful when filling out forms, because the insurance company many use any information you have used against you, to try and deny your claims. The insurance company for…

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